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List of courses Offered
Indian Culture & Civilization
This course seeks to introduce historical, religious, cultural and political trajectories of Indian civilization. It also aims to briefly introduce the contours of Indian Society covering the aspects from the earlier period to the present. It briefly outlines the vast diversity of Indian Languages and Literary traditions, Classical and Folk traditions of India.
The entire course is covered through lectures, field visits and supported by film shows.
Week 1: Placing India in space and time
Week 2: Introduction to Indian Philosophical Foundation, History, Archaeology and Art.
Mode: On site lectures and visits to Religious places
Week 3: Indian Society and Family
Field visit: Visit to a Village
Week 4 : Modern India
Academic Co-ordinator
Dr. Prithvi Chandra Shobhi
Dr. Prithvi Chandra Shobhi is an Assistant Professor, Department of Studies and Research in History at Karnataka State Open University, Mysuru. He was also an Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities, San Francisco State University, San Francisco and Post-Doctoral fellow South Asia language resource center, University of Chicago. He was awarded as a Senior Fellow at American Institute of Indian Studies in 2010-11 and as a visiting associate fellow at center for study of Developing Societies, Delhi 2001-2.
Gender in Indian Society
In this course the students are introduced to the myriad ways by which gender exercises its influence on Indian society, and how in turn is being influenced by it. The course brings the fore factors that led to the creation of gender identities and gender barriers, while also tracing the emergence of movements, which identified and protested gender hierarchies.
Class room lectures are supplemented by a nearly equal number of panel discussions, film reviews, field visits and interactions with grassroot level women groups, elected women representatives and members of autonomous women organizations.
Week 1: Women in India
Week 2: Gender Caste and Religion
Week 3: Construction of Gender Identities in Indian Society: Role of Patriarchy
Visits: Visit to a progressive women forum
Week 4: Family, Marriage and Gender and Women in Media Movies to review in gender angle
Academic Co-ordinator
Dr. R. Indira
Dr. R. Indira retired as Professor & Chairperson of the Department of Sociology and Director of International Centre at the University of Mysore recently. In her University career spanning 42 years, she has held positions as Dean of Faculty of Arts, Honorary Director of the Centre for Women’s Studies and Chairperson of Department of Sociology. Dr. Indira is the recipient of two Fulbright Fellowships, and has been conferred an Honorary Adjunct Faculty position in International Studies by the University of Iowa, USA in recognition for her services to the mission of International Programs of the University of Iowa. Dr. Indira’s main focus of work is gender. A writer and columnist, she has authored several books and papers on Social issues both in English and Kannada .
Science, Tech & Sustainable Dvpt in India
The objective of this course is to introduce to students the development in India and critically examine the current discourses on the domestic sociological, economic and ecological environmental effects of the current model of development. It will also put India’s development into a Global context. The course aims at broadening perspectives via development in a Global context, India in particular, and encouraging critical and constructive questioning of current development piety.
The course includes classroom components, field visits and panel discussions.
Week 1 - Ethics in Science & Technology , Economic parameters, Pollution and Poverty
Week 2: WTO, Corporate Farming,Food Technology and Agriculture in post hydrocarbon world
Week 3: Energy and Growth of Societies
Panel discussion: A post-hydrocarbon world – Myth or Reality?
Week 4 : Concept of Corporation
Documentary Movie: The Corporation
Academic Co-ordinator
Major General S. G. Vombatkere
Major General S. G. Vombatkere, is a retired Director General, Discipline and Vigilance in Army Headquarters, New Delhi. He is a Post Graduate in Structural Engineering and Phd in Civil Structural Dynamics from IIT Madras. He is the Adjunct Associate Professor of University of Iowa and Course co-ordinator Science, Technology and Sustainable Development at our Institute. He is a recipient of Visishta Seva Medal by the President of India. He has published more than 380 papers in National and International journals and seminars. His current area of interest is Strategic and Development issues. Besides he is engaged in voluntary social work and is a member of the National Alliance of People’s Union for Civil Liberties ( PUCL).
Environment & Health in Modern India
The main objective of the course is to introduce students to India’s environmental and health traditions as well as to its major contemporary scenarios. In the past centuries, India had a wealth of knowledge, indigenous methods of agriculture, conservation of seed varieties, water management and health care.
The course consists of classroom lectures and discussions, followed by a field trip or experiential session related to the lecture.
Week 1: Natural Heritage of India: The exotic and the ordinary
Week 2: Food security: Traditions, contemporary scenarios and challenges
Week 3: Interface of Health and Environment: Role of water and energy conservation, pollution, sanitation and peoples’ movements
Week 4: Health Care in India: Traditional and Contemporary Systems, Emerging challenges
Academic Co-ordinator
Dr. Sridevi Seetharam
Dr. Sridevi Seetharam is a Consultant Pathologist in Sigma Hospital, Mysuru. She did her Medical Training at Mysore Medical College, Mysore, Post Graduation from Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh and Erasmus Mundes Bioethics Training at Katholiek University, Leuven. She completed a summer Fellowship in HIV Medicine at the college of Public Health, University of South Florida. She is associated with Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement since 1989 and was a consultant Pathologist at Vivekananda Memorial Hospital, Sargur. She had been involved with developing diagnostic services in a rural hospital, training laboratory technicians, HIV counsellors, nursing assistants, medical interns and community based health workers and conducting research. She was a co-ordinator of India site for Global Health Framework Program, University of California, San Francisco.
Medical Student Elective Program
The Medical Student Electives (MSE) Program is a 4-week training and orientation in rural healthcare encompassing preventive, promotive and curative aspects. It has been specially designed for Medical Undergraduates at Vivekananda Memorial Hospital, Sargur, an initiative of Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement (SVYM). More details about the program is provided under the link
Students are given a customized weekly training schedule during the program.
Comment: All activities spread across in each week
• Participate in the daily Hospital rounds
• Work with consultants at the Outpatient Department in the Hospital
• Assist the consultants in conducting deliveries and in surgeries
• Accompany the Mobile Medical team to Interior Locales of the Project Area
• Attend some of the Field-based Thematic Health Camps
• Participate in Community based Health Programs of SVYM
• Visit Tribal Colonies and learn more about the tribal way of life
• Learn about treatment of HIV in a resource-limited setting
• Get to know more about Ayurveda, the popular Indian System of Medicine at the Ayurvedic Treatment Facility at Kenchanahalli
• Participate in the Periodic Cinical Meetings & Seminars and work on Case Presentations
• Take up Short-term Research Projects of their own choice
• Teach the Nursing and Paramedical students
Academic Co-ordinator
Dr. Padmaja
Dr. Padmaja is a Consultant Obstetrician, Gynecologist and Head of Academics and Training, Vivekananda Memorial Hospital. She has a wide range experience in clinical management, preventive, promotive and curative health, capacity building, facilitation and on-the-job hand holding support in Reproductive and Child Health and HIV/AIDS issues, program management and institution management. She has been training and mentoring Medical Interns and Postgraduate Trainees in primary care and specialty care of Ob & Gyn.
Physician Assistant Program
This Program is a four week clinical rotation for Physician Assistants students at Vivekananda Memorial Hospital, Sargur. The program exposes the students to various facets of rural health care. The course will enable the students to understand the practice of Integrative Medicine besides, an experience to immerse into local living and culture.
Syllabus: The rotation will feature shadowing a mentor/other doctors during outpatient clinics, inpatient visits, and other clinical activities and engaging in clinical meetings.
Academic Co-ordinator
Dr. Padmaja
Dr. Padmaja is a Consultant Obstetrician, Gynecologist and Head of Academics and Training, Vivekananda Memorial Hospital. She has a wide range experience in clinical management, preventive, promotive and curative health, capacity building, facilitation and on-the-job hand holding support in reproductive and child health and HIV/AIDS issues, program management and institution management. She has been training and mentoring medical interns and postgraduate trainees in primary care and specialty care of Ob & Gyn.
Ayurveda, Mind, Body and Spirit.
The course provides basic knowledge about Ayurveda, the Indian System of Medicine. The students also get an opportunity to learn about the integrated approach in specialized care combining the strength of Ayurveda and Allopathy care and gain exposure to a practical grassroots experience of Public Health in action
Introductory course from certified Ayurveda Physicians and shadowing Doctors from both the streams of Allopathic and Ayurveda care.
Week 1: Basic theory of Ayurveda
Week 2: Diagnosis and Treatment in Ayurveda
Week 3 : Dravya Guna and Bhaishya Kalpana and Rasashatra
Week 4 : Yoga
Academic Co-ordinator
Dr. M. R. Seetharam
Dr. M. R. Seetharam is a Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon, Vivekananda Memorial Hospital Sargur and Vice President, Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement. He is one of the core –team member of Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement since its inception in 1984. He envisioned and led the implementation of various community level interventions in the sectors of Reproductive Child Health, Water and Sanitation, Community Based Rehabilitation of Visually Challenged, Mental Health, School Health Program. He is also the Adjunct Professor for International Programs of University of Iowa and Member, Regional Steering Committee, South Asia Region, and Co-convener of National Steering Committee FANSA (Freshwater Action Network – South Asia.). His special interests are in participatory community development, health systems, health and hospital administration, community based health research, Ayurveda and alternate system of Medicine, water resource management and sanitation.
Global Future Physician program
Global Future Physician Program is designed for Pre - Medical Students to gain a greater understanding of Health Care and Public Health in the Indian context. The course also provides an opportunity to understand the role of NGOs in delivering health care by visiting SVYM’s hospitals and getting an exposure to rural and tribal living.
The course is conducted through classroom sessions, panel discussions and cultural field trips
Week 1: Introducing Public, Private and NGO’s Role in Health Care Delivery
Week 2: Food Security, Environmental Issues related to Health, Research and Bioethics in India.
Week 3: Gender & Health, Communicable and Non Communicable disease burden in India
Academic Co-ordinator
Dr. ( Brig) R. S. Rajan
Dr. ( Brig) R. S. Rajan has 24 years of experience as a Cardiothoracic Surgeon and served in the Indian Army for 35 years. He has served as a President and Executive Member of Indian Association of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgeons, as a fellow and life member of Indian Association for Advancement of Medical Education and Member of Association of Surgeons of India. Before his association with SVYM, he was a Chief Medical Officer in Tata Tea Limited, and has served in many Non-Governmental Organizations. He currently serves as Head, SVYM Mysuru
Health and Development
This two week program focuses on public health, health and development, cultural immersion, gender and nonprofit leadership in an Indian context. During this period the students are also introduced to some aspects of Indian philosophy.
Classroom sessions are complemented by field visits related to Public Health.
Week 1: Introducing Health Care System of India.
Week 2: NGO’s role, Gender and Environmental Issues in relation to Development
Field visits: Government, private and NGO run hospitals
Academic Co-ordinator
Dr. Rekha Shanmukha
Dr. Rekha Shanmukha has more than 10 years of experience as a dentist. Before her engagement with VIIS in 2012 she was associated with VMH, Sargur from 2008. Her other interests are Health training and facilitating, Clinical Management and Administration. She is currently pursuing her Master’s in Business administration in Health care Management.
Global Health and India
This is a three-week residential program to gain theoretical knowledge and practical exposure to global health through the lens of contemporary Indian context. The course seeks to expand the participant's understanding of the relationship between health and development, and will examine issues that influence health on both domestic and global scale.
Eligibility: The course is open for undergraduates in Science, Social Science, public health, medicine and nursing streams. People working with NGOs or those with relevant work experience of at least 3 years can also apply.
Course module: It will be a mix of classroom sessions and practical field experiences within India's health system and related service industries.
Week 1: Health care systems in India
Week 2: Heath care issues in India
Week 3: Introduction to Global health issues with relevance to India, Global health economics
Field visits: Government, private and NGO run hospitals,
Course Director

Dr. R. Balasubramaniam
Having embarked on his journey in the development sector by living and working for several years among remote forest based tribal communities in the southern Indian districts of Mysuru, Dr. R. Balasubramaniam is a widely respected development activist, leadership trainer, thinker and writer. He has uniquely been able to combine a vast development sector experience with studying and teaching at the world’s leading schools of policy and development including Harvard and Cornell Universities. He has also been a special investigator for Lokayukta of Karnataka state in addition to holding membership and consulting positions in government bodies and commissions, academic boards, and development agencies including the World Bank. Dr. R. Balasubramaniam, the founder of Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement( SVYM) and Grassroots and macro perspective on development and policy through his multifaceted experience of more than three decades, which is well reflected in his latest book I, the citizen. He was the Frank Rhodes Professor at Cornell University and is the Adjunct Professor of International Programs at University of Iowa , USA.
Immersion into Indian culture
This is a theme based novel program to introduce Indian Culture to interested youth. In this 7 day program participants immerse themselves in the rich Indian culture, philosophy, spirituality, yoga, performing arts etc.
The program is conducted through classroom sessions, excursions, hands-on activities and documentary movies. Each day starts with an early morning session on yoga and meditation.
Day 1: Immersion into Indian Epics
Field visit: Hoysala Architecture Temple
Day 2: Immersion into Yoga and Ayurveda
Field visit: Ayurveda Treatment Center
Day 3 : Immersion into Indian Philosophy
Field visit: Traditional School
Day 4: Immersion into South Indian Classical Music
Field visit: Music School
Day 5: Immersion into Indian Villages- On site
Day 6: Immersion into Indian Classical Dance
Experience: Classical Dance performance
Day 7: Immersion into Indian Food and Cooking
Experience: Preparation of selected Indian Recipe
Academic Co-ordinator
VIIS team
VIIS team
Immersion into South Indian Classical Dance
This course introduces various dance forms of India including its history, culture & heritage, dynasties who have supported Music and Dance, Literature and Arts. This course will also introduce some famous Dancers and Composers of India.
Lecture demonstrations, practicals and watching experienced artists perform
Day 1 : Bharatanatyam
Day 2: Katahakali
Day 3 : Kuchipudi
Day 4: Kathak
Day 5: Manipuri
Day 6: Field trip
Day 7: Mohiniattam
Day 8: Odissi
Day 9: Karnataka folk
Day 10: Folk forms of India
Academic Co-ordinator
Vidushi Kripa Phadke
Vidushi Kripa Phadke is an accomplished Artist and Choreographer. To pass on the treasure of Indian Classicism to young aspirants, she has established the abode of cultural education named NRITYAGIRI PERFORMING ARTS AND RESEARCH CENTRE in Mysore. Madam Kripa trains disciples in other Institutions like Ganabharathi Sangeetha Nritya Shaala, RMP School. She also lectures and teaches International students from IOWA, Connecticut, Michigan University in JSS and Vivekananda Institute of Indian studies. She has obtained training in Bharathanatyam from Gurus Natyacharya Sri Kamalakshachar and Natyacharya Karnataka Kalatilaka Sri Muralidhara Rao. Dr. Rukmini, guides her in playing the Veena and is also her Ph.D advisor, and Vidwan Sri V Nanjundaswamy, a very well known Musicologist guides her in philosophical studies, under whose able guidance she has presented elite ballads like Karnataka Kaladipti and Vadiraja Vijayam.
Immersion into Indian Classical music.
The course will provide an insight into the syntax of Indian music and an upstart in appreciating what happens during the course of Indian Music Concerts.
Lecture demonstrations, Illustrative performances and opportunities to the participants to interact with the musicians and get a glimpse into their world.
Day 1: Grammar of Indian Music
Day 2: Appreciating Indian Music Concerts
Day 3: The role of the percussion in Indian Music
Day 4: Identify and sing the basic Indian Melodies
Day 5: Illustrative performances
Day 6: Practice the principles outlined in the course
Day 7: Interacting with Indian musicians and gaining glimpses into their world
Academic Co-ordinator
Vidwan Manasa Nayana
Vidwan Manasa Nayana started to learn music at a very young age. He has undergone training in Carnatic music under great musicians like Vidushi SK Vasumathi and Vidwan Vairamangalam Lakshminarayana and Dr. R. K. Srikanthan who was also decisive in shaping his career in music. In his Musical journey he has accomplished many milestones, as securing first rank in the Senior Music exam conducted by the Karnataka State Secondary Education Board, recipient of scholarships from the Centre for Cultural Resources and Training, Karnataka Sangeetha Nrithya Academy and Department of Culture, Govt of India . He also has had an illustrious academic background having done his MSC in Mathematics at Indian Institute of Technology in Madras.
Immersion into Mysore Painting
The course introduces the students to the unique style of Mysore traditional painting in which popular subjects depicted are deities drawn from the Hindu pantheon and themes taken from various mythologies. The art work comprising of basic relief work of gesso and the use of natural colors and earth pigments. The students learn the subtle color blends, ornamentation, embossing and embedding of pure gold foil.
Hands-on practical teaching at faculty’s home
Day 1: Introduction to origin-centric and wider spreading of work sites
Day 2: Materials used -Natural colors, earth pigments, sources of animal and plant origin, and use of 22-carat gold foil and semi-precious stones.
Day 3: Raw materials preparation- Embossing mixture, gems, ornamentation materials.
Day 4: Treatment and application of thin gold foil and polishing
Day 5: Final coloring, bordering and ornamentation.
Day 6: Mounting of the finished pieces on paper-board, wood and use of teak or rosewood frames.
Day 7: Techniques on improvement, uses of newly available materials.
Academic Co-ordinator
Ms. M. Girija
She is a rare artist who is at ease with different schools of painting which includes the traditional Mysore style, the Tanjore style or the Ganjifa miniature painting technique. She has perfected the Mysore style under various experts but also has her unique style of painting. Her works are characterized by benevolent faces that depict devotion or the "bhakti bhava". The Mysore style of painting is reckoned to have originated in 1525 A.D. and matured during the reign of Krishnaraja Wadiyar III in the 19th Century. The art form has had many ups and downs until it was revived by a group of young artists of Mysore. Apart from having exhibited her work in Mysore, Ms. Girija's paintings have been exhibited at the Karnataka Chitrakala Parishat, Bangalore, in Singapore, New Jersey, and New York.
Global Health, Globalization and Leadership
The course is designed to convey the significance of the social determinants of health in a globalized world. Participants will learn about health and health care delivery in the context of globalization in India. Special emphasis will be placed on globalization, economic growth and development, and their effect on health. The course will also emphasize the leadership skills needed to function in the fields of global health and development.
Additionally, participants will collaboratively observe the grass-root level activities in public health, health care delivery, and other community activities
Week 1: Introduction to Global Health, Globalization and its effects and Health care system in India
Week 2: Leadership for Global citizenship, Social Determinants of Health and its impact on Development
Week 3: Health financing and Insurance & Burden of Non communicable disease in India.
Field visits: Public and Private and NGO Hospitals, community programs & Cultural sites
Course Director

Dr. R. Balasubramaniam
Having embarked on his journey in the development sector by living and working for several years among remote forest based tribal communities in the southern Indian districts of Mysuru, Dr. R. Balasubramaniam is a widely respected development activist, leadership trainer, thinker and writer. He has uniquely been able to combine a vast development sector experience with studying and teaching at the world’s leading schools of policy and development including Harvard and Cornell Universities. He has also been a special investigator for Lokayukta of Karnataka state in addition to holding membership and consulting positions in government bodies and commissions, academic boards, and development agencies including the World Bank. Dr. R. Balasubramaniam, the founder of Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement( SVYM) and Grassroots and macro perspective on development and policy through his multifaceted experience of more than three decades, which is well reflected in his latest book I, the citizen. He was the Frank Rhodes Professor at Cornell University and is the Adjunct Professor of International Programs at University of Iowa , USA.
Understanding India Online Course 2021
India as a nation is blessed with a long and fascinating history of heritage, culture, & spirituality. The conducive geography as well as rich natural resources have led to a high degree of evolution of human civilization, resulting in the holistic growth of India through the ages.
This civilizational refinement has also resulted in pioneering contributions to mankind in various spheres. Many of these are documented in innumerable inscriptions, living traditions, classical literature, and historical records. An online course to understand and dwell on this legacy has been designed and is being transacted at two levels.
The course is ideal for students/Individuals who are interested to have a brief insight into the aesthetic, cultural, and spiritual aspects of India. Understanding the intricacies of "unity in diversity", the multifarious customs followed in India both in the urban and rural contexts would be quite revealing while weaving through the social web of India.
Course Content/Transaction
Level I : A FIVE day course of 90 mins sessions as an introductory/prelude to the weekend deeper immersion program:
1. Civilizational heritage of India
2. Intro to Indian philosophy and spirituality
3. Intro to Indian arts & Architecture
4. India through its villages & Tribes
5. Importance of Heritage Conservation
Level –II : A Five day ( 5 hours/weekends) immersion into the above topics after sharing recorded videos/content with the participants
(1) Civilizational heritage of India : Sources of history – Literary/Archaeological,Numismatics, Case studies of Civilizational Sites
(2) Indian philosophy and spirituality : Literature classification: Shruti, Smrithi, Darshanas, Puranas, etc. Overview of the major philosophical schools, Indian Philosophers & influence, Spiritual pursuits in India
(3) Indian arts & Architecture : Performing arts , Ancient structures and Vastu Shastra, Architectural geometry and characteristics, Temple architecture
(4) India through its villages & Tribes : Vocations/Occupations / Culture & Practices
(5) Heritage Conservation- Stakeholders, Heritage conservation policy dimensions, Heritage conservation and community participation, Heritage conservation and sustainable development.
The detailed brochure of the course can be downloaded on this link*:
For Enrollment click here :
Academic Co-ordinator
Mr. Ramesh Venkatraman
Mr. Ramesh Venkatraman
Ramesh presently works as Director, Vivekananda Institute for Leadership Development (VLEAD), an initiative of the Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement. He brings to the table more than 2 decades of experience and expertise spanning the domains of Sales and Marketing and Creative and Structured Writing. He has worked across geography, including India, the USA, and parts of Europe. Besides his areas of core competence, Ramesh is also deeply invested in understanding, practicing, and disseminating the Dharmic and Cultural heritage of India. He has authored several articles on a range of topics including culture, spirituality, and politics.
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821-2303834Mon–Fri : 9:00–17:00
Saturday : 9:00–14:00